Paper: My thoughts on Treatments in the Mental Health World
My thoughts on Treatments in the Mental Health World Word Count: 1836 Therapy, the age-old question is therapy good for the person or should you just go ahead and medicate them and assume the problem will solve itself. Personally, I think therapy is a wonderful tool for persons to use to finally face and release the troubles they have kept locked away. This however is contingent on the fact that they find a therapist who believes them and is empathetic instead of brushing them off. I chose the topic about psychotherapy and whether it is or is not effective due to having many family members with mental illnesses of varying sorts, I was interested to hear what the panel in the video would have to say about this topic. The first topic from the video I would like to discuss is patients given medication when what they really want is to find someone who will listen to them and not mark them non-compliant just because they will not take their medic...