About Me

 Jordan Atkins is currently a student at Tennessee Technological University with a major in Professional Studies with a concentration in Health Services Management. She currently lives in Jamestown, TN but has traveled to many places including several U.S States and overseas to Germany, England, and Japan. Ms. Atkins has 13 years of experience in Health Services Management, 7 of those years in the United States Air Force. She has 1 cat called Auron and 1 Dog called Freyja and enjoys spending time as a homebody mostly playing video games and building cardboard houses for her cat to sleep in/destroy.

Meet Auron.
Current house for sleep/destruction.

Meet Frejya.

If you are having a bad day, please watch this video below of her sister's dog Xena chewing on her squeaky toy.

Ms. Atkins also has an interest in psychology, here is a website I created for this topic: Thoughts on Treatments in the Mental Health World. For the paper I wrote regarding this topic, please see the post. entitled Paper: Thoughts in Treatments in the Mental Health World.


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